The obligatory first post.

March 4, 2009

So, I’ve been meaning to do a blog for ages, I’ve just procrastinated doing it, one of my main vices. I’m going to write about whats going on in my life (hopefully interesting things), stuff I find amusing, websites I like, politics and whatever really. Usually, I find it quite difficult to express myself, so hopefully this will explain my ideas and stuff better. This will also serve as a sort of online-diary for myself as I have a terrible memory and wish I could remember more. The name of the blog comes from the novel The Rules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis which I’m currently reading (and enjoying a lot). One of the main characters Lauren remarks “life is like a typographical error: we’re constantly writing and rewriting thing over each other”. I thought that was quite profound and I can see the logic behind the statement. Nothing is definate or fixed in life. (I was also struggling to think of a name)

So yeah, thats it, this is me and my ramblings.

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