
March 14, 2009

I can’t stand conservatism.

This quote particularly annoys me from the MP David Davies “What I’m suggesting is that British soldiers, who I think are our finest young men and women, the cream of society, should also be protected from that sort of gratuitous abuse they experienced last week.”

Finest young men? This is a bit of an assumption, I mean, has he been out at night in a barracks town and seen the squaddies out in full force. Obviously not. I don’t want to generalize and say that all soldiers are bad people, I’m sure that some soldiers are great, but to suggest that they are the “cream of society” just because they’re in the armed forces. I find that disgusting.

More with the anti-war theme there’s a G20 demonstration happening on 1st April organised by the Stop the War coalition which I’m hopefully going to attend. It is a protest demanding that troops in Afghanistan and Iraq are pulled out, ending the Gaza blockade, creating jobs and not bombs amongst other things. You can find out more here